Guru Parampara

सदाशिव समारम्भां शङ्कराचार्य मध्यमाम् ।
अस्मदाचार्यपर्यन्तां वन्दे गुरुपरम्पराम् ॥

Recited by the teacher and the students, as the prayer before commencement of every class, this shloka offers salutations to Ishwara, Adi Shankaracharya and one’s own Guru now in this lineage.

The Shastras do not promise liberation as an event in time. In its vision, the self-atma, is ever free. This teaching is expressed in form of Maha Vakyas (great equation) – tat tvam asi, the jiva is no different from Ishvara.

To unfold the vision of this identity between jiva and Ishvara, Vedanta employs a number of prakriyas i.e. methods as provided in the Upanishads. Exposure to a wrong method makes one miss this core vision of the teaching.

When one receives the teaching from a traditional teacher, one learns to handle the prakriyas in the right way. Where one does not know to handle in the way they should be, one would only land up with more confusions and conflicts than that he had before Vedanta!

It is not only the Vedas, the body of knowledge that originated from the Lord, but also the parampara, the teaching tradition. The first Guru is Ishwara, and he reveals his svarupa through the shastra. The shastras are handled by teachers, and thereby Ishwara is revealed to a student. This parampara is an unblocked conduit. Such flow of knowledge can never be obstructed anywhere, as long as one puts aside own ideas and notions and handles shastras as the sole means of Knowledge referred as Pramana. Thus what gets communicated is the vision of the Vedas, nothing more, nothing less.

Therefore, all the acharyas in this parampara, who are, but the embodiment of the knowledge, perpetuate the vision of the Vedas. The parampara is therefore as important as even its vision of oneness because, the understanding is solely dependent on the method of handling and the use of the words unfolding the vision.

Acharya’s Guru Shri Swami Brahmayogananda

It is a Guru’s sheer compassion that enables a shishya discover the goal of life and see it as revealed by the Shastras.

A Guru takes complete responsibility of every aspect of the student, including his shortcomings, and provides an environment to overcome such emotional and intellectual barriers and enables the student see the vision of the Shastras.

Guruji Shri Swami Brahmayogananda is an exemplary of such lakshanas as prescribed by the shastras for a Guru.

Through Yoga Shanthi Gurukulam, where Acharya received his traditional teaching, Guruji not just enabled structured traditional teaching but also provided adequate opportunities for Seva, Pooja, Upasana. In this manner every effort was made to shape a person in to a purna adhikari for Brahma Vidya.

Evolving from many challenging situations, Guruji served the nation for over 25 years through Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) before founding the Gurukulam.

Our Acharya Ji often presents examples and inspirations from Guruji’s life and reckons him as a mobile university.

Of many, some strong impressions that Acharya Ji bears in his heart about guruji are : Compassion, Knowledge, Motherly Care, Desha Bhakthi, Karma Yogam & discipline.

In a single statement of Acharya ji “ Guruji is that factor in my life without which nothing would have been ever possible, for, whatever I am it is him”.

Pujya Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati
Pujya Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati was a distinguished, traditional teacher of Vedanta. His depth of understanding and nuanced appreciation of both Eastern and Western cultures made him that rare teacher who could communicate the vision of non-duality to modern listeners.
Swami Paramarthananda
Swami Paramarthananda studied in Sandeepany Sadhanalaya of Chinmaya Mission. Took Sanyasa from Swami Dayananda (arsha vidya). He is devoted to both Masters -Swami Chinmayananda and Swami Dayananda. Swami later started taking Advaita Vedanta shastra classes in Chennai.

Brahma Vidya Acharyas

The Brahma Vidya Acharyas as mentioned below are Co-students of our Acharya ji hailing from the same traditional teaching lineage.

Acharya Shri Vasudevan Kalyanaraman ji (Vasu ji)
Blessed by Guruji Shri Swami Brahmayogananda, Acharya Vasudevan ji is a traditional teacher of Vedanta and has been conducting Vedanta Classes in Chennai. Besides being a teacher, he is a perfect example of effectively balancing his role as a software professional and being the head of his family, in effect demonstrating how Vedanta is an integral part of everyday life.

Acharya Vasu Ji’s classes are available online through Pragnana Prakashika YouTube Channel
Acharya Smt. Suryapriya Rangarajan ji
Blessed by Guruji Shri Swami Brahmayogananda, Acharya Suryapriya ji is a traditional teacher of Vedanta and has been conducting regular Vedanta Classes in Chennai. Apart from being a teacher she is also a successful home maker and a mother. A Chartered Accountant by qualification, has chosen to dedicate her life for shastra seva. Acharya Suryapriya Ji’s classes are available online through Advaita Bharati YouTube Channel. She is also an exponent in the literary field and has been the pen for ‘Guruji’ in bringing out many books both in Tamil and in English.
Acharya Smt. Lavanya Ramgopal ji
Blessed by Guruji Shri Swami Brahmayogananda, Acharya Smt. Lavanya ji is a traditional teacher of Vedanta. She is a successful home maker, mother of two and a business manager – a living demonstration of the fact that the study of Vedanta is an integral of everyone’s life. Arsha Bodhini instituted for the purpose of this teaching, Acharya Lavanya Ji conducts classes in Chennai, available through online YouTube Channel.